I'm happy to announce the release of "Insider's Limon", the audio tour package I scored and recorded the music for last year. A 3-hour presentation, it is loaded with new music - all composed and recorded here in Puerto Viejo. I hope you'll check out the previews, including music and video samples from the project, at, where you can also purchase and download the whole package. Coming up soon will be a music only soundtrack album, which will be available here and at online music outlets. Meanwhile, I'm still plugging away at my next singer-songwriter release, and getting closer . . . Yeah, you've heard that one before - but seriously, much progress has been made of late! INSIDER'S LIMON took priority for much of the year (I think you'll see/hear why when you take a listen.) On the live side, I'm back at my weekly Que Rico Papito gig - now on Tuesday nights - and continuing to rehearse and preview the Rumi Songs project I'll be unveiling here this season. More on that soon!

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